Monday, July 30, 2012

4 Month Check Up

Tucker went for his 4 month check up this morning. He has continued to gain weight. He is up to 10 lbs 14 oz. He is growing in length as well. He is 22 inches long. Dr. Ola said that he is right on track for a preemie on the growth chart and was surprised how much he had gained in two weeks. She gave us the best news ever today. She said that Tucker NO LONGER NEEDS HIS MONITOR. She said that he is active enough and doesn't need to be monitored since he hasn't set a real alarm off in over a month when we got the new monitor. By the end of this week the monitor will no longer be in our home.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Boy

Tucker has been holding up his head very well for a while now. Today he had some time in the bumbo chair. He lasted a while until he spit up everywhere and that was the end of that today.

You're Okay

My cousin Easton loves to hold me. Last night when he was holding me he kept patting me and saying you're okay. He sure does love me.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Some firsts

Tucker was having some very stuffy days last week. On Friday morning he woke up and he was wheezing. Off to Dr. Ola's office we went. She said that it was something viral but that he was having to work hard to breathe. So we had to use the above device to attach his inhaler to. The funnel part went over his nose and mouth. He got to the point where he knew what was going to happen when we put it on his face and did really well with it. After being on the inhaler for 48 hours he is doing much better. We only have to do it now when he starts wheezing again.

While we were at the doctor we got his weight again, he is up to 9 lbs 6 oz! On the preemie growth chart he is almost to the 50th percentile for his weight.

Dr. Ola wanted to make sure that nothing else was going on with Tuckers lungs so we headed to Texas Childrens to get a chest   x-ray. This was his first one where he had to be held down by mommy and the nurse and he didn't like it. The chest x-ray came back clear.

Mimi, cousins EmmyKate and Easton, and Mommy took Tucker for his first photo shoot for his 3 month old pictures. He did good for the first half but after the clothes change he wanted to have nothing to do with taking pictures, as you can see from above.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Book Exchange

Mommy's friend, Missy and her son Grayson, asked us if we wanted to participate in a book exchange. Our course my mommy said yes because who doesn't want their kid to have a lot of books. The way it works is my mommy sent a book to Grayson's friend and then to a letter to six of her mommy friends. Those friends each sent a book to Grayson and then sent a letter on to six of their mommy friends. In the end Tucker should get 36 books back. As of today our count is 8! Here are some of the books that I'm going to get to enjoy reading.

Big Bottle

Tucker has been wanting to eat about 4 oz now at each feeding. With the Dr. Brown's bottles you can't mix 4 oz very well in the 4 oz bottle because it spills so we've moved up to the 8 oz bottle. Here is Tucker taking his first big bottle, didn't phase him at all, he was trying to hold on to it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Finally have internet at home

Sorry for the delay in blog posts. We have been in our home for about a week now and had the internet finally turned on today, yeah!

Here are some pictures to let you know what I have been up to lately.

I am in love with this new toy that my Mimi got for me before we left Lubbock. I have learned that if I hit it that it will light up and make noises. I love to talk to my friend in the mirror too.

Tucker celebrated his First Fourth of July with many activities complete with fireworks which Tucker slept through.

This is how we feel about tummy time. He lasts about 5 minutes before we starts screaming and then once he stops he gets this look on his face like do I really have to do this?