Thursday, May 3, 2012

35 Days Old

Yesterday Tucker turned 5 weeks old. He broke the 5 pound mark this week! He is no longer in preemie diapers and can't wear most of his preemie outfits anymore. He is up to 45 cc's ( 1 1/2 oz) for his feedings. He is still working on bottle feeding. He gets the concept of suck, swallow, breath but he is having trouble staying awake to eat because it wears him out. We keep trying at every feeding to take a bottle and some are more successful than others. The OT suggested I get a Dr. Brown's bottle with a preemie nipple to try because it might be easier for him to take. He had his eyes tested today and the doctor said that they look great for his developmental age. He wants to check them again in two weeks just to make sure they are still developing as they are now. He is still taking Zantac for his reflux and they are trying to wean him off his heart medicine.  Mommy and Daddy took the infant CPR class so we are trained on what to do in case it is needed once he is home. Mommy went to a carseat class today and learned quite a lot about carseats, another step needed before we head home. It has been a long 35 days in the NICU but we are so thankful for how well he is doing and for all of the wonderful nurses that are taking care of him.


Mimi said...

Praise Jesus for all his accomplishments so far. One day at a time is all we can do. Each day is closer to going home with Mommy and Daddy. I love you Tucker Allen.

Jennifer said...

So glad he is doing so well!

Anonymous said...

I want to eat him up. We had our 6 month appointment today and Green , though small still, is right on track with development. It seem like such a long road and then when I look back on it all so short. You can get through this Mel and Mark.