Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wesley Academy

Yesterday started the new chapter for the boys, attending Wesley Academy.

It was quite interesting getting a picture of the two boys before we left the house, bright and early. 

The best one that we could got. 

We have to leave super early in the mornings, 6 am, to beat the traffic before mommy has to be there at 7:30. Once we arrived at school the boys wanted to play in mommy's room and started throwing stacking things all over the room. (Mommy learned her lesson and now brings our breakfast to eat once we are there, leaving little free time before we go to our classes.)

We dropped Tucker off at his class first and he walked right in and starting playing with the home center and talking on the phone. He is loving his teacher, Ms. LeBlanc, and is already learning so much, even though we are only on day 2 now. 

Griffin had a much harder time leaving Mommy. Ms. Melanie took him from Mommy and he adjusted very quickly. Mommy was told he didn't cry too long and is now attached to her. His teachers are very impressed with how well he communicates with them and how much he eats. He loves it when Mommy comes to pick him up in the afternoons.

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