Dear Sweet Boy,
Tomorrow, March 28, 2013 you will turn 1. Mommy wanted to write down how you came to be so that neither mommy or you forget as it was a very adventurous story.

Daddy and I decided that we wanted to start a family. On, October 1, 2011, after dinner and playing Putt-Putt Golf with mommy's friend Bobbie Jo, mommy had this funny feeling that something was just different with her. I decided to take a pregnancy test when we got home and it came back positive. I told daddy and neither of us could believe it so mommy sent daddy to the store to get another test, it came back positive too. We were so excited to find out that we were going to have a baby.

A few weeks after mommy took the pregnancy tests she started spotting some. I called the doctor and was told to rest and go in for an ultrasound. The first time we checked on you we saw the egg sac that you were going to be growing in. Two weeks later we went back and saw you and your little heart beat beating so fast.
Mommy and daddy decided to wait and tell our families when we came to Houston for mommy's family reunion in person. We went for our first doctor's appointment the day that we left to travel to Houston. I printed signs that said; Our Family is Growing by Two Feet June 2013. We went to dinner with both sets of grandparents, Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Scott, Uncle Sabid, Aunt Kickin, EmmyKate and Easton and as soon as we passed out the envelopes to be opened Easton split his drink and it was crazy. Everyone was so excited though to hear that you were going to be joining our family amidst the craziness.

Mommy went for her 2nd appointment on Friday, November 18th. She had something called a cervical polyp which had to be burned off. After my appointment I went to school and shared with my students that I was going to have a baby. The polyp kept bleeding so mommy had to go back after school and have it treated again. Saturday night we needed up in the ER because it was still bleeding. The on call doctor did reassure mommy by showing us an ultrasound of you and that the bleeding had nothing to do with you.

At 19 weeks we found out that we were going to have a son, you, Tucker Allen. Mommy wanted a boy first because she wanted her other children to have a big brother who would always watch out for them. I would have been happy either way but was elated to find out we were having a BOY!
We traveled to Houston for Spring Break for mommy's shower that my sisters were throwing for me. We got lots of good stuff for you. After traveling back to Lubbock daddy headed off to robotics on Saturday and mommy cleaned the apartment. Sunday we got up and went to church and then headed to lunch with Ryan, Liz and Mallory at Chicken Express. Mommy's legs were swollen so I tried to rest Sunday afternoon. After cooking dinner mommy's feet were so swollen I couldn't even wear my flip flops so we headed to Target to get shoes for me to wear to work the next day. While at Target mommy texted Bri and she said that we had better go to Labor and Delivery to be checked out.

On Sunday, March 18th off to the hospital we went. Upon being assessed we found out that mommy was having contractions and not even feeling them. They made me drink a ton of water to hopefully stop the contractions. I was admitted and a test was ran and it came back positive that I would deliver you within the next two weeks. Monday we had an ultrasound done and it seemed as if there was something wrong with your heart. This made mommy and daddy very nervous. Contractions started again and mommy was given medicine to stop them and we headed off to the doctors office to get a more detailed ultrasound of your heart. It turned out the first machine wasn't very good and it wasn't seeing your heart clearly.Your heart was perfect! They also did an ultrasound on my leg because it was swollen when we went in but it was all normal.On Wednesday we were released and sent home. Mommy was put on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy.

On Saturday evening, March 24th I started leaking fluid again. Back to L&D we went. The test was ran again and it came back positive again that I would deliver within two weeks. We were admitted to the hospital to be monitored again. Mommy was pumped full of lots of fluids to try and make the contractions stop that once again she wasn't feeling. Monday we had another ultrasound and the doctor decided to do an amino. Everything came back normal. Once Mimi heard about this she booked a flight and was on her way to Lubbock. On Tuesday I was still being monitored and pumped full of fluids. Sometime in the afternoon my water broke. That evening I started having back contractions though the machine wasn't picking them up. They said my back was hurting from laying in bed so much and said here is some tylenol go to sleep. On Wednesday I got up and was continued to be monitored. Pop arrived around 2:00. I was still having contractions in my back and just felt so uncomfortable. Late that afternoon another ultrasound was done and it was decided that it was best to take you out because there was no fluid left on you. Grandma and Grandpa arrived right as I was being wheeled back into the room to get prepped for my c-section.

About 5:00 I was back in the room to be prepped for surgery. I called Liz to let her know what was going on as Mimi called Aunt Jennifer and Aunt Kristen. About the time that Mimi called Bobbie Jo, Bri called and wanted to know if I wanted her in the OR with me. Mommy said of course and my fears eased a little knowing she would be there with me. I was pumped full of two bags of magnesium to help with your brain development and it made me start feeling like I was burning from the inside out. Mimi tried to cool me off but I was red all over I was so hot. I was wheeled to the OR and by the time I got there Bri was waiting to go into the OR with me. She was there with mommy as she was prepped for your arrival. After getting ready daddy came in and we waited for Dr. Suit to get you out. Mommy was very nervous waiting for you to come out. After you were out it took you a little bit to cry but once I did I couldn't believe that you were actually here. Daddy was able to hold you shortly before you headed to the NICU.
Even though you were 10 weeks early and only 2 lbs 15 oz and 15 inches long you were a fighter. Someone forgot to tell you that you were so little. Leaving the hospital without you was the hardest thing that mommy has ever had to do. I spent everyday with you, at least a few hours each time, for your stay in the NICU. Mommy and daddy are so thankful for the wonderful nurses and doctors who took care of you. After day 50 you were finally home with us. The first year of your life started out just a bit rocky but it turned out to be one of the best years of mommy's life. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it; you bring me so much happiness and joy.
Happy 1st Birthday Tucker!
Love, Mommy
1 comment:
So sweet.
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