Wednesday, July 1, 2015

15 months

Griffin I can hardly believe that you are already 15 months old.

Here is what you are up too.

Things you do.....
  • Copy your brother (all the time)
  • Climb on everything 
  • Clap to sign more 
  • Follow mommy around the house (or anywhere) everywhere and get very upset if she gets out of your sight 
  • Make car noises as you drive them on the floor 
  • Play peek a boo with yourself 
  • Point to whatever snack you want to eat 
  • Turn on your birds as soon as we get into the car and get so excited when brother turns them on for you
  • Chew on your fingers all the time, you seem to have teeth coming in every time mommy looks in your mouth 
  • Pretend to blow bubbles with whatever looks like a bubble wand
  • Reading books, drawing with chalk, attempting puzzles and unbuilding whatever mommy builds
  • Take off your shoes ALL the time 
  • Say hand when you want to hold Mommy's hand. She can also say this to you if she needs you to hold her hand when we are out and you obey.  
  • Whenever I change your (or brother's diaper) you say trash and want to take the diaper to the trash for mommy. Mommy often has to lock the trash can because you like to play in it. 

Things you are saying......
  • Thanks
  • Cup 
  • Mama 
  • Dada
  • Ball 
  • Up
  • Dog (can make dog noises too)
  • Cat
  • Book  
  •  Boon for Spoon 
  • Quack, Quack 
  • All Done and All Gone 
  • Stuck 

 Things you like to eat.......pretty much everything. You are becoming so independent and want to use your spoon and fork all by yourself. You get mad if anyone tries to help you.

You are changing all the time, learning from brother (not always the best things), and turning into quite the toddler with your own personality. One of mommy's favorite things about you is your infectious smile, I can't get enough of it.

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