Growing up I remember Easter being a big deal. One year I recall my Nana having had Easter baskets made for us that were out of milk carton, we thought they were the neatest things ever, looking back at pictures now they were not the prettiest things. Then another year we went to my mom's aunt and uncle's farm and hunted eggs with our cousins and neighbor friends. Another year we had a BIG egg hunt at my Nana and Papa's house with all of our friends.

My mom has carried on the tradition and makes Easter a special time for my kids by making them baskets and having an egg hunt for them every year. She even, when she can, makes the most delicious cookies ever that will always remind me of Easter and my Nana.
We do an Easter basket at home for the boys as well and they were excited to dig into them on Easter morning. After the fun we got ready and headed to church. Tucker couldn't wait to go into his class, I am so glad we have found a place he loves, and we do too. Once church was over we headed home for a quick lunch and then to Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Scott's to eat with our family and his family and hunt eggs. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins.
Griffin was more interested in playing with an empty egg than actually hunting for eggs on Easter.
Tucker had a blast finding eggs with the help of Aunt Kicken.
We weren't able to get a picture of the four of us together...a certain 3 year old isn't too interested in getting his picture taken lately.
Happy Easter from The Traphagans
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