Here are some of the new things that he is up too....
- Saying lots of words; Mama, Dada, Uh-Oh, Up
- Getting new teeth; two top and two bottom
- Taking around 3-4 steps by himself
- Playing with any kind of ball
- Loving cheerios, blueberry puffs and ritz crackers to snack on
- Figuring out how to use a sippy cup and making the worst faces when tasting the water inside, though he always goes back for more
- Putting objects up to his ear and "talking" like he is on the phone
- Having quite the temper when brother takes something away from him that he is playing with
- Being destructive; this boy can make the play room messy in no time at all
- Climbing onto and into everything
- Singing himself to sleep
- Getting his first hair cut, which he wasn't too happy about
- Enjoying ice cream but it not agreeing with him, fairly certain he is going to have a milk allergy
- Being a people person, he loves to be around people and not to be left alone, not even for a second
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