Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ear Infection

Sunday night after we got home from the Ren Fest Tucker was very cranky and clingy. I had a feeling his ear was bothering him because once on Saturday and then again on Sunday he screamed out in his sleep like he was hurting. He felt really warm to me and so we took his temperature it was 101.7. I called the on call nurse and she told me to give him Tylenol if his fever got over 102 and to put a humidifier in his room and to go and see the doctor in the morning. I did what I was told and put him to bed, he was up shortly after since he was very stuffy and it hurt his ear for him to lay down. I fed him again and held him on the couch and we both slept. After spending the rest of the night in the swing we headed to Dr. Ola's office early Monday morning with Mimi. We saw Dr. Ola and she said that his left ear was very red compared to the right. She tested him for RSV and the flu and they came back negative. She sent us off with our first round of antibiotics and deadening ear drops. Tucker and I got back from the doctor and both put on our pj's and hung out together on the couch. He wanted to be held when he was asleep so that's what I did. Tucker didn't want anyone else to hold him so I decided to stay home with him on Tuesday too. Here is Tucker on Tuesday night after being on his medicine for over 24 hours and finally getting some good rest.

1 comment:

Kicken said...

Yay, T!! He looks like he is feeling much better. :) :) :)