Saturday, June 29, 2013


I think it is safe to say that we have a WALKER. He is all over the place with his walking. He does drop and crawl some still but I think that is because he wants to get to where he is going faster.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Favorite Show

Tucker loves to play with the Wii remote which just so happens to control our Netflix. One day he was pushing the buttons and pressed the start button and got the show Leapfrog Shapeville Park. We watch it at least once a day, he loves the singing animals.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I have been really enjoying that it is summertime and that I get to spend 
lots of time with my Daddy before he goes to work.

 I have loved playing with my trains and pushing them all around on the floor. 

 My new favorite place to play is under the table. 
I like to even relax and lean back on the table when I am under there.

 I have been doing lots of practicing with my walking. 
I am taking steps here to catch my Mommy because she had the camera and I caught her.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Don't you think I look ferocious in my tiger jammies?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Taking Off....

Tucker has been getting braver and braver with letting go and taking steps around the room. The highest I have gotten to is about 6 before he falls down. Here is a picture of him after he took a few steps away from the couch. He of course had to stop and clap for himself.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Grilled Cheese

I believe my new favorite food is BREAD I love to eat it in any form and fashion. Mommy decided to try a grilled cheese on me again because the first time I would hardly touch it. I did good and ate about 1/4 of my grilled cheese today.


Lately I have loved to crawl into Mommy and Daddy's closet and start pulling out the dirty clothes from the laundry basket. I love it when Mommy pulls out the basket to do laundry because I try and pull it over to empty it and then love to get inside once it is empty.

Friday, June 7, 2013

1st Time at the Park

Mommy and Daddy decided to take me to the park for the first time today. See for yourself if I enjoyed my first visit. 

 Daddy enjoyed playing on the frog.

I did enjoy swinging in Mommy's lap more than by myself. 

Just Playing

Doing some ball popping

Eating my ball

Playing the Piano

Reading..I love to read! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bath Time

Lately I've be trying to climb out of my little tub so Mommy decided it was time to try the BIG tub. I loved it when Mommy put me in it for the first time. I've been taking big boy baths for a while now but Mommy just remembered to bring the camera in the bathroom with us to take some pictures of me enjoying my bath.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Mommy and Daddy were very excited to tell me that we GOT THE HOUSE. Here is a picture of my new house, we won't be moving in until mid-July but Mommy and Daddy are already getting ready.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Clapping Hands

Lately I have loved making my Mommy and Daddy clap their hands together by helping them. Here are some pictures of me helping Daddy clap his hands.

After all the clapping I was hungry needed a bottle.