Sunday, April 28, 2013

March of Dimes

This morning we were supposed to do the March of Dimes walk but due to severe weather last night and flooding it was cancelled. Since Mommy ordered Team Tucker shirts for us to wear for the walk she decided that we should wear them today anyways. Here I am sporting my Team Tucker 2013 shirt and standing up all by myself.

Thank you to everyone who supported Team Tucker.   


Sunday, April 21, 2013

And he's off...

Tucker wanted to play with his new walker today so I was walking around with him to make sure that he didn't fall. He did really well except for when he pushed it into a wall or something and got mad and couldn't move anymore. I put the walker in the hallway out of sight so that mommy could have a break from the walker for a bit. Tucker started crawling and headed down the hall towards his bedroom and got very quite. I went around the corner and this is what I saw.

I turned him around and he started walking again. He is doing really good at pushing the walker and then stopping to move his feet closer to it before pushing it again.  Here he is showing off his skills.


I do not think it will be much longer before we have a walker on our hands.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Getting Braver

Since Tucker decided to take off with is crawling he decided it would be a good time to start pulling up too. He has gotten much better the past few days with pulling up and moving around on toys and furniture. He has even gotten to where he will let go and balance himself for a few seconds. Here are some pictures of him in action tonight after pulling himself up.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We have a crawler!

Tucker has been crawling a few "steps" the past few days but today he finally got the hang of it. He is officially a crawler and is crawling all over the place. So excited to have reached this milestone.


Monday, April 8, 2013

Almost there.....

Well we seem to have an almost crawler on our hands. Tonight he was playing around the floor and crawled a few steps to mommy on the couch. I said yeah Tucker! and he sat up and clapped for himself he was so proud of himself.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Some New Tricks

Tucker is really starting to develop a lot in the past few weeks. Last night I was cooking dinner and he was rolling on the floor and when I went to check on him he was sitting on the floor. He had sat up all by himself. He has continued to get himself into the sitting position today and  Mark and I have been able to see it. 

Here is a picture of him getting ready to sit up and then in the sitting position. 

Tucker has also started clapping lately. Tonight after he got himself in the sitting up position he looked at his daddy and started clapping, he was proud of himself. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tummy Bug

On Monday Grandma called Mommy before 8:00 to tell her that I had thrown up. This continued through out the day and so we went to the doctor. I got some medicine but started throwing up again on Tuesday and running a fever. Off to the ER Dr. Ola sent us to make sure that I wasn't dehydrated. After a very long wait they told me I wasn't dehydrated so no IV, yeah!, but they gave me 3 different medicines and had me drink some pedialyte to make me feel better. Mimi and Pop met us at the ER and stayed with Mommy and me because Daddy had to go to work. Here is a picture of me after I had had all my medicines and I just wanted to sleep.