Friday, June 29, 2012


My cousins EmmyKate and Easton came over to see me today at Mimi's house.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another Road Trip

After a very busy morning on Wednesday we loaded in the car and drove into Houston about midnight. Tucker was a great passenger. His Mimi kept him entertained for the parts of the trip when he was actually awake. He got fussy after his 8:00 bottle because he was refluxing and we had to pull over but once he had on his pajamas he settled down for the rest of the trip. We went and picked up the new keys to our new home today. We move into our new home on Saturday. We can't wait for you to see pictures of our new home.

Monday, June 25, 2012

3 Months

I went for my 3 month check up today to see how I am growing.

Here are some interesting new things you might like to know about me.

  • Look closely at the picture above, do you notice something missing? There are no leads! Dr. G said as long as I am awake and with my mommy and daddy then I don't have to wear my monitor. YEAH! I am a much happier baby when I don't have my monitor on.
  • I weigh 8 lbs 2 oz and am 21 inches long.
  • I do not have to take my caffeine medicine anymore.
  • I can't wear newborn diapers anymore, they are too small.
  • I get to take powder formula now which is a lot easier on mommy.
  • I am starting to grab hold of things that are placed in front of me.
  • I get very upset if I am not in bed by 8:00, I like my bedtime.

And my new favorite thing to do is to talk to my animals. I make some pretty cute noises talking to them. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day

I'm pretty sure that I have the best daddy in the world. He let mommy sleep through my 6:00 feeding this morning and fed me my medicine bottle. We all got up at 10:00 because I was ready to eat again and got ready for the day. Mommy and I took daddy to lunch at Denny's and then we came home and had a relaxing afternoon on the couch. Oh and I got my daddy a pretty cool present that one day he might read stories to me on, a Nook with Glowlight.

Apnea Monitor


This is the apnea monitor that Tucker was sent home with from the hosptial. He had to come home with it because he needs his daily caffeine to help reduce his apnea spells, where his breathing slows or stops.

Tonight was a bad night with the monitor. We had one false alarm because it sounded that he wasn't breathing but I was holding him and could feel him breathing. The second was during his feeding which is when most of the episodes happen. I know the monitor is going to sound before it does when he is eating because I am watching him like a hawk and can see him slow his breathing. Holding him during his feeding tonight I just started crying. Having the monitor at home is a daily reminder that he was born 10 weeks early. It is hard for me not to think that it was my body's fault, not a very good feeling,  that he was born 10 weeks early and therefore had to be put on his caffeine and the monitor.  It is a struggle to go anywhere with him and his monitor. I just want to be able to carry my baby into the kitchen with me to fix his bottle when he is screaming but I'd have to unplug the monitor from the wall and carry it with me. Many days I just stay at home because it is such a long process to get everything in the car with his monitor and in and out of the car at stores.

The monitor company came and did his first download last week and it showed that it had gone off 42 times since he had been home. I do not however recall it going off that many times. I am now writing it on the calendar and what he was doing when it went off. We are waiting on the doctor to find out what she learned from the analyzed data and since we are pretty sure that he has outgrown his caffeine dose we are waiting to find out what our next step is.  The last visit she said that she would want him to go a whole month without any episodes before it goes away.

So for the time being we are stuck with our monitor. I am trying really hard to have a more positive atttitude towards having it here with us.

Friday, June 15, 2012

11 Weeks

I can't believe that Tucker is already 11 weeks old.

Here are a few updates on him.
  • He caught a tummy bug in Houston, think we are almost over it.
  • He went to church for the first time last Sunday and got to meet a lot of people who are praying for him.
  • He isn't wearing too many newborn clothes anymore he is getting too long for them.
  • He is wanting about 3 oz when he eats now.
  • He is almost 7 lbs now.
  • He sleeps best when being held, think someone got spoiled in Houston.
  • He has put himself on a sleep schedule. He eats at 8 and is put to bed. Mommy wakes him up at 10 to eat before she goes to bed. He wakes up around 2 wanting to eat and then around 6.
  • He will move to his 3rd home, Houston, in two weeks, first was the NICU and second is Lubbock.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bedtime Story

Tucker enjoyed his first bedtime story tonight. It was written by someone very special, his cousin, EmmyKate. She made a book about the day he was born. She wrote about how she was happy and proud to have a new cousin and how she loves Tucker and thinks he is cute.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Visit to Houston

We made a quick trip down to Houston to find a place to live when we move there this summer. While we were there Tucker got to meet a lot of his family.

Aunt Stacey
One very proud cousin, EmmyKate
Aunt Jennifer
Aunt Kristen
Great Grandma - Gigi
Great Grandpa
 Cousins: Kelsy, Casey and Corey

Aunt Wendy
Cousin Sarah