Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve and Mommy just tucked me in to bed in my new Christmas jammies from Mimi and Pop. I got to partake in the tradition that my mommy has done since she was a little girl, going to her Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas Eve.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Tree

Tucker has enjoyed looking at the lights on our Christmas tree this year. Sometimes he will just look at the tree and laugh. Tonight Daddy was sitting close enough to the tree that Tucker was able to touch it for the first time.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today Mommy let me try a french fry from her McDonald's meal. I enjoyed chewing and eating on 2 french fries.

Monday, December 17, 2012

I'm gonna get you

Yesterday Tucker was reaching out trying to catch mommy as she was trying to take some new pictures of him. He is starting to get up on his knees and attempt to move forward. He does better with going backwards though for the time being. He is growing up too fast.

Friday, December 14, 2012

All dressed up

Last night Tucker got all dressed up to go to Mommy's school Christmas Program. He did really great sitting with Daddy through the whole performance.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Houston Zoo Lights

Tonight Tucker and I went with Mimi, Pop, Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Scott, EmmyKate and Easton to the Houston Zoo for the first time. There is something new at the zoo this holiday season, Zoo Lights. It was neat to get to walk around and see the different animals made out of lights. Tucker wasn't too interested but did enjoy looking up at some of the lights in the trees.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

All Bundled Up

A few weeks ago my Aunt Stacey made me a really cool blanket to use in my carseat.  

The way it is made is that there are holes for the straps to go through and so my 
mommy can wrap it around me when we go outside and I can stay really warm.

 I have gotten to use my new blanket this week because it has been very chilly in the morning.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

8 months

8 months ago at this time I was laying in my hospital bed recovering from my c-section. It had been a pretty easy day but I was sure that I was having contractions in my back even though the contractions weren't being picked up on the machine. In the middle of the afternoon my dad arrived from Houston and shortly after I was informed I was moving into a bigger room and while that was happening I was wheeled off for an ultrasound to check on Tucker. When the doctor did the ultrasound we discovered that there was no fluid left on Tucker and thought that it was best to get him out. As I was being wheeled back into my room to be prepped for surgery Mark's parents arrived at the hospital. I called Liz to let her know what was happening and she eased my fears by telling me what all was going to happen during the c-section. My mom was calling my sisters and Bobbie Jo to let them know too. The nurses were working away getting me ready. My phone rang and it was Bri, she wanted to know if I wanted her to be in the delivery room with me, I of course said yes. The charge nurse was trying to tell me that she couldn't be in the room and I said that she is a Labor and Delivery Nurse here and she said oh, ok. The nurses kept working and pumped me full of two bags of magnesium to help with Tuckers brain development. It felt like I was burning from the inside out. My mom was trying to cool me off with a wash cloth but I was just SO hot.  In the short amount of time that it took for me to finish being prepped and moved to the OR Bri was there waiting for me to go in. I was wheeled into the OR and Bri was there to hold me while I was being numbed for the surgery and explained what was happening the whole time. Shortly after that Mark was able to join me in the OR and we waited for Dr. Suit to come in and get our little boy out. I tried to stay calm and there was a lot of pressure when Tucker finally was coming out. He didn't cry right away and that scared me but once he finally did I was relieved. I was able to only catch a glimpse of my son with Mark holding him in the OR as they were getting him ready to go to the NICU and to finish up my c-section. Bri stayed with me through recovery and I will never be able to express how grateful I was that she was there with me. Mark went out with our son and was able to introduce him to my parents, his parents, Liz, Bobbie Jo and Megan. I was unable to see him again that night which was very hard for me. It is hard to believe that it has been 8 months since Tucker came.

Happy 8 month birthday Tucker!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Last year at Thanksgiving we were able to share how thankful  we were that we were expecting a  baby to join our family in June. This Thanksgiving we were able to celebrate our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3. We could not be more thankful for our little miracle who came into this world earlier than we had expected but are thankful that is all a part of God's plan for him and us.

Happy Thanksgiving from our Little Turkey 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Time to Jump

Tucker got one of his Christmas presents early because we know that he loves to jump so much. Here he is enjoying his new jumperoo at home.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Resale Finds

Tucker and I ventured out to Once Upon a Child the other day and found him some new toys. His favorite by far is the bee that lights up.

I got all of these almost brand new toys for $16.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tucker Updates

Mommy hasn't had time to post lately because Tucker has been keeping her very busy. Within the past week Tucker has gotten a throwing up stomach bug, 2 front teeth and his 2nd ear infection. We have been to the doctor twice and have done lots of laundry. Tucker wanted to be held by mommy most of the time even when he is sleeping. Since we have started his deadening ear drops and his antibiotic he is feeling much better.

Playing with his puppy that Grandma and Grandpa gave him when he was born.

Chewing on toys, it's what we do lately.

Happy Baby after some deadening ear drops and antibiotics.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veterans Day

Today we celebrated my Daddy because it is Veterans Day. I am very thankful that my Daddy served in the Navy.


We love you Daddy! 

Tucker and Mommy

Friday, November 9, 2012

ER Visit

This is what caused me to have to go for my first ER visit tonight..........

Product Image

My mommy was trimming my finger nails tonight and got a little part of my left thumb in the process. I screamed very loudly because it hurt me and it wouldn't stop bleeding. After about 15 minutes of continuous bleeding mommy made the call that we needed to go and get a liquid bandaid put on it. Off we traveled to the ER. I fell asleep in the car and was actually asleep when the ER doctor came in and put my liquid bandaid on. I have to keep my finger covered for a few days which I'm not going to like because I love to put my left hand in my mouth.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Favorite Toy

Lately whenever Tucker is awake he wants to be in his exercauser playing. Here is a picture of him playing tonight. He just smiles and talks when he is in there jumping around.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cereal Progress

Tucker has gotten really good at enjoying his oatmeal cereal. Tonight when he I was feeding him he started grabbing for the spoon. I gave him an empty spoon and it took him several tries but he got it in his mouth.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Do you think I've grown?

Almost 2 months old  
Almost 7 months old

Friday, October 26, 2012

Trunk or Treat

Tucker got dressed up in his "Monster" costume to go and see his Mimi and Aunt Jennifer at their churches Trunk or Treat last night. He fell asleep on the way there and slept through most of walking around and seeing all of the different vehicles decorated. He did wake up before we left though and got to take a picture with Mimi

Happy Early Halloween from 
our Very Scary Monster!